How to Get True Tone Function Back on Aftermarket iPhone X OLED Screen?

The true tone function is a special feature of iPhone. With this function, the display screen can be switched from warm yellow color to cold bright color automatically to balance the cold and warm tone of the surrounding environment and make eyes comfortable to watch on the screen. Most people complain that the true tone is missing after their iPhone X screens were broken and replaced with an aftermarket iPhone X OLED screen. Will the true tone function of iPhone X still work on the replacement aftermarket OLED screen? We say yes to this question for sure. Here Etrade Supply team made a test to prove it. Let’s check out.


1. Get all the tools ready, such as iPhone repair kit, OLED screen replacement, IP Eeprom programmer tool.

iPhone X repair tools

2. Test the iPhone X original screen true tone function. It works well.

iPhone X ture tone function

3. Teardown the original screen, details refer to our previous narration about iPhone X teardown.

iPhone X teardown

4. Install the aftermarket iPhone X OLED screen and test the true tone function. We can see that the true tone function is missing

iPhone X OLED screen true tone missing

5. Connect the original iPhone X screen to the IP Eeprom programmer tool, write the original screen data to the programmer tool


data copy from the original iPhone X screen

6. Rewrite the data from the programmer tool to the aftermarket iPhone X OLED screen


rewrite the original screen data to OLED screen

7. Install the aftermarket OLED screen to iPhone X and connect the screen flex


install iPhone X OLED screen

8. Turn on the iPhone and test true tone function again, we can see the true tone function is working well on the replacement aftermarket OLED screen


ture tone working well on aftermarket OLED screen

The steps above prove that the true tone is working well on a replacement aftermarket OLED iPhone X screen owning to the original screen data was copied by the IP Eeprom programmer tool. While we have to mention is that our improvement stands only when the original screen sensor flex works well. Etrade Supply provides iPhone X OLED screen replacement, as well as other iPhone X replacement parts for wholesale, grade S+ and 180 days warranty. Contact us or leave us your comment if you need our repair technique support.


Here is the iPhone X aftermarket OLED screen replacement true tone test video:



  1. BY Betty

    Dear Seller,

    I need an IPhone X “Soft OLED” screen; want to find out if your OLED screen is the soft oled. thx for assisting with this question.



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