Cost of Repairing a Damaged Screen on the LG G4
BY May | 九月 21st, 2015 | 41 | 20
Cracked screens happen to everyone, knowing how much it will cost to repair it will give you a general idea and will help you to make the best decision on whether to send it to the store where you bought the device for a replacement screen, or to take it to a repair shop to get it repaired. Here is an estimate report of repair costs on for broken LG G4 screen.
1. How much is it to replace only the glass on LG’s G4?
The glass lens is the outermost layer on the LG G4’s screen, replacing just the glass is a solution for situations where the glass is broken but the LCD display is still functioning. It costs the cheapest (about $10) to get a glass replacement, however, it is the most difficult repair to do, and it is a very risky repair as you run a high risk of causing more damage to the device.
Since there’s no available stock for LG G4 glass lens yet in the market, you can purchase a LCD and digitizer replacement instead.
2. How much to replace only the digitizer on the LG G4?
The digitizer, aka touchscreen, is the layer that senses your touches, and allows you to interact with your phone. If your touchscreen work abnormally after being dropped, the digitizer has to be changed. As the digitizer is fused to the LCD, it’s very difficult to separate it from the LCD. That’s to say, replacing the whole LCD assembly (possibly $65) is a better choice even though your G4’s display works fine.
However, if your LG G4’s touchscreen is suffering from software issues, you can turn to this post for help: How To Fix LG G4 Digitizer Touch Screen Issue
3. How much to replace only the LCD on the LG G4?
The LCD is the screen layer that displays images. If your LG G4’s screen goes black or shows strange colors/lines after a drop, then a damaged LCD is the culprit. In this case, the solution is to replace the whole LCD assembly.
4. Which of the following LG G4 screen replacements is better?
All three types of LG G4 assemblies supplied by ETrade Supply are original and brand new screen replacements. The main difference between them is what small parts are included.
Type A: Replacement Part for LG G4 VS986 LCD Screen and Digitizer Assembly - Black - LG Logo - A Grade
It includes: the LCD display, digitizer touch screen with glass lens. Assembled by original factories.
It includes: the LCD display, digitizer touch screen with glass lens and front housing. Assembled by original factories.
It includes: the LCD display, digitizer touch screen with glass lens. Assembled by third-party factories.
The higher the screen replacement cost, the less of a risk you will face during the repair work. If you’re unfamiliar with cellphone repair and wanna give it a try, Type A or Type C will be a better choice. Please note that repairing the device yourself will void the warranty and ETrade Supply is not responsible for the damage you may cause during the repair. Anyway, here is a tutorial video on how to disassemble LG G4 for screen replacement: