99.9% People Don’t Know the Rare Function on iPhone 6S’ AssistiveTouch

Here we show you how to use the more rare functions of AssistiveTouch on the iPhone 6S. First of all, you need an iPhone 6S or iPhone 6S Plus, then, we can get started.


Step 1:

On your iPhone 6S go to the setting menu. Go through Setting>General>Accessibility>AssistiveTouch, and make sure the AssistiveTouch is enabled.


Step 2:

Click the Customize Top Level Menu to remove the icons and make sure the only one left icon is the Home option.


Step 3:

Click the 3D Touch Action option and choose Lock Screen.


After the setting have been changed, below are the features you can enjoy:


  • 1. Go back to Home with a light click on the AssistiveTouch.
  • 2. It will open a multi-task page when you double click the AssistiveTouch in a row.
  • 3. You can lock your iPhone 6S by pressing the AssistiveTouch firmly.
  • 4. With a firm press and a second light click, a screenshot will be taken.
  • 5. Click the AssistiveTouch firmly twice in a row and the device will power off. (However, tests show the feature won't work every time.);
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