Starting from Scratch, It’ll Be Tough for RIM to Make People Care with BB10

BlackBerry 10 L-Series The report from Businessinsider by Steve Kovach showed that RIM isn't doing well at keeping its new BlackBerry phone a secret. Recently, many rumors about the BlackBerry Z10 spread on the Internet, such as the leaked image of the BB Z10, a video of the leaked BB Z10 parts on YouTube. What’s more, Steve Kovach revealed that a source sent him some photos of two Z10s that have been being tested –– one running on Verizon and another on AT&T. Following are the details of the test experience.
  • The Z10's build quality is really solid, with a rubber back that snaps off so you can replace the battery.
  • The screen looks nice and has a high resolution.
  • Web browsing is very fast, just as fast as browsing on your desktop.
  • BB10 lets you set up separate profiles for work and personal use. This is perfect for those who don't want to carry around a separate work phone.
  • The hardware is pretty fast and boots up in less than a minute.
Steve Kovach also analyzed that it's taken RIM way too long to finally catch up with Apple's iOS and Google's Android, and starting from scratch with zero BB10 users in the world, it'll be tough to make consumers and big-time developers care since Google and Apple already have the rich content and app ecosystems that the majority of the users want. He added that Z10 will be a great phone and operating system, but won't come with the guarantee that he'll be getting the best content that iOS and Android already have. At last, he wrote that no matter how good the final product is, it's too late for the Z10 to be the monster hit RIM needs it to be. However, we still cannot tell exactly what the result will be. Perhaps users want to experience something new after having been handing the iOS and android OS for such a long time. News from