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My First Repair

By Steve S*| May 19th, 2015| |
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I had a pretty interesting first repair, but the thing is that it wasn’t even a phone I fixed. I fixed my friends old PSP (that he didn’t even want). Basically the thing was old and hadn’t been used much, but the buttons weren’t working.

I’m glad that my first device was that old PSP though. I opened it up with a blatant disregard for how things would turn out. I didn’t look at any directions or anything, and honestly just started taking things apart. Long story short I had to order replacement circuit boards, and replace the board for the buttons, but afterwards it worked like a charm. After finishing this repair it gave me a good amount of confidence, and from there I broke an HTC One-X and iPhone 4s attempting to repair the screens. Haha you live and learn.


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