Why The iPhone 6 Plus Is Easy To Repair

Apple's iPhone 6 Plus made a big hit in 2014, and with the sales of the iPhone 6 Plus growing rapidly, Apple was able to gain a lot of profit according to its 1st quarter financial statement of 2015. However, as the iPhone's display grows lagers, so has the risk of breaking also grown. We have already done an iPhone 6 Plus teardown video and showed you how to repair an iPhone 6 Plus screen step by step. Now we tell you how we think and why the iPhone 6 Plus is easy to repair.


1.       Easily removed the display.


As iPhone 6 Plus uses Pentalobe screws to fasten the display, we can easily remove with an iSclack or suction cup once the 2 Pentalobe screws are out. But handle carefully. Don’t drop your phone to the ground. We all hate Apple’s Pentalobe screw, but in fact, compared to heat the screen edge to separate the screen, it’s easy and safer to open a phone.


2.       Apple rerouted the sensor flex cable to avoid damage.


When you pry up the LCD screen and digitizer assembly, look inside, you'll find the layout of the iPhone 6 Plus look similar to iPhone 5s, and the home button is fastened in the LCD screen and digitizer assembly. You'll also find the touch ID is integrated into a module and the flex cable was rerouted to prevent damage when anyone opens phone.


3.       Easy to remove the battery.


After we opened the iPhone 6 Plus, the first thing to caught our eye is the large battery. The 4.7" x 1.9" x 0.13" battery nearly doubles the capacity of the 1560 mAh unit in the previous iPhone. The big battery is stuck in place by some sticky pull tabs. Those pull tabs are super easy to remove if you do it the right way. Otherwise, it will be your nightmare.


4.       Small parts are integrated to modules.


On the top of the LCD screen and digitizer assembly, there is a large cable assembly, which includes the earpiece, microphone, and ambient light sensor. With parts such as the loudspeaker and vibrator assembly, these small parts are integrated into one single part without soldering in the logic board. If one of the parts is damaged, you can just replace it.



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