iPhone 4/4s Power Buttons Worth $5 Million

Debra Hilton, a Florida woman, claims that she is suing Apple for $5 million on behalf of thousands of customers who suffered from defective power button issues on the iPhone 4.


She used a thread in the Apple discussion forums viewed by hundreds of thousands people as evidence, when suing over the so-called “wiggly” power button. In the thread, hundreds of iPhone 4/4s users complained about the “wiggly” power button, where many of the “wiggly” power button issues happened shortly after the one-year warranty period expired, and owners would have to pay $149 for repairs. Hilton is suing under the RICO statue; a federal racketeering law, and she is also accusing Apple of violating California’s unfair competition law. Apple still has not commented on the case. Now we have a iPhone 4S J7 circuit diagram for you guys to download.