Apple iPhone 5S Touch ID Sensor Repair Problems

The Touch ID is a new feature on the iPhone 5S, which enables users to use fingerprint to unlock the phone. Although this feature brings a novel experience to users, it’s also accompanied with some problems, like failing to recognize the correct fingerprint or losing accuracy over time.

iPhone 5S Touch ID Sensor Repair Problems

If your iPhone 5S fingerprint scanner doesn’t work, you may be wondering whether you can replace it with a new one. Unfortunately, if the original iPhone 5S Touch ID sensor is broken, the iPhone 5S won’t have the fingerprint scanner function any more.

The Apple product repair company, mendmyi, has already tested the replacement and claimed the reason for the ineffective fingerprint scanner is that the Touch ID Sensor itself is tied to the unique logic board in each iPhone 5S and the fingerprint data is stored on the A7 chip in a Secure Enclave that is only accessible by the sensor itself.

Therefore, it’s useless to change the Touch ID Sensor if it fails to response. A new Touch ID Sensor cable will not be working. If your iPhone 5S home button is damaged, you can replace it. But keep in mind the new home button will only have the basic functions except the Touch ID function, like this iPhone 5S home button assembly on our website.

Therefore, if you find your iPhone 5S Touch ID Sensor performs abnormally, you can first try the solutions below rather than replacing it.

• Check whether your iPhone 5S has been upgraded to the latest version of iOS.

• Make sure your fingers and the home button are clean and dry.

• Don't tap too quickly, don’t press down hard, and don’t move your finger while the Touch ID is scanning. Also, your finger should cover the home button completely.

• Go to Settings => General => Touch ID & Passcode => Touch ID to make sure the iPhone Unlock or iTunes & App Store is enabled and one or more fingerprints have been enrolled.

• If one finger isn’t working, go to Setting => General => Touch ID & Passcode => Touch ID => Edit to delete and then enroll the finger again. If that finger still doesn’t work, try to enroll a different finger. If you’re unable to enroll any of your fingers, go to an Apple Retail Store, Apple Authorized Service Provider, or contact AppleCare for further assistance.

Have you experienced the above-mentioned iPhone 5S Touch ID issues? How did you solve them? Please let us know in the comments.