How to Tell the Different Moto X 2nd Model Numbers

The Motorola Moto X (2nd Gen.), aka Moto X 2014, Moto X2 and Moto X+1, was released in September 2014. Compared with its predecessor, the current latest Moto X has been improved from the inside out. For example, the Moto X 2nd features an aluminum frame, optional leather back case, 1080 x 1920 pixels display with 5.2-inch screen size, a quad-core processor, and the new Moto X 2014 is even water resistant. As for carriers, it has several variants to support 3G and 4G networks. Different variants come with different carriers; let’s have a closer look now:  

1. Motorola Moto X 2nd model numbers for different carriers.XT1097 for AT&T; XT1096 for Verizon; XT1093 for U.S. Cellular; XT1095 is for Pure Edition, which is the Unlocked Version of Motorola Moto X 2014, can be applied on both T-Mobile and AT&T versions.  

2. Motorola Moto X 2nd model numbers in different areas.XT1092 for Europe and Asia; XT1097 for Latin America;  Here is a chart pulled from Wikipedia with more specific information for each carrier.

Moto X 2nd Different Carriers


3. Find Moto X 2nd model number in the system.Go to Settings>About, you’ll see the specific model number.  4. Carrier logo is also printed on the back cover.Most of carriers print their logos on the back covers. Take a look at below Motorola Moto X2 XT1096 wooden case as example, you can see a Verizon logo at the bottom.Even though they look alike, different variants still have different internals that require you to be more careful when replacing parts like Moto X 2014 LCD Screen and Digitizer Assembly with Frame.  Please make sure you choose the right replacement part if you’re going to repair your own Motorola Moto X 2nd Gen.

  1. BY jose castro

    buenos dias tengo un motox segunda generacion se me dano la pantalla lcd completa junto al tactil y quisiera saber que modelos de pantalla son compatibles para poder hacer su compra de ante mano muchas gracias espero su respuesta es att y no se que modelo es exactamente feliz dia

  2. BY mac

    I went to Settings>About on my phone and it displays “Moto X (2nd generation)” not a specific model number. ideas?


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