How to Disassemble the iPad Air
BY Junior | 五月 27th, 2013 | 0 | 0
how to fix a cracked iPad Air screen”. To be honest, the process isn’t that very hard compared to other tablets repairs, but you still need to be careful on taking apart iPad Air if you have ever done an iPad disassembly yourself, as there are some differences. Now we will walk you through from start to finish.
What you need to DIY take apart the iPad Air:
You'll need some special tools so as to take apart your iPad Air, including the professional screwdrivers. We highly recommend checking out our official online store as we owns lots items on excellent smartphone repair tools and have a good customer service. All the links below will route you to the direct item on the site.
* Hair Dryer
* Suction Cup
* Triangle Case Opening Tool
* Plastic Pry Tool
* Tweezers
* Screw Driver
* Metal Pry Tool
1.Power the iPad Air off
Power the iPad Air off
2.Use hair dryer to warm the iPad Air digitizer for about five minutes to loose the adhesive
Use hair dryer to warm the iPad Air digitizer
3.Gently gash a gap between the digitizer and the rest of the device with the metal pry tool
Gently gash a gap between the digitizer and the rest of the device
4.Press the suction cup on the digitizer around
Press the suction cup
5.Pull up on the suction cup gently to wedge the triangle case opening tool
Pull up on the suction cup
6.Lift the digitizer up gently
Lift the digitizer up gently
7.Undo the four screws on the four corners with screwdriver
Undo the four screws on the four corners with screwdriver
8.Once the screws are removed, use suction cup to pull the LCD up gently
Use suction cup to pull the LCD up
9.Use screwdriver to undo the three screws holding the shield
Undo the three screws holding the shield
10.Use plastic prying tool to disconnect the LCD connector. Now the LCD screen is free
Disconnect the LCD connector
11.Remove the digitizer by disconnecting the two connectors
Remove the digitizer
12.Use tweezers to peel off the black tape to disconnect one connector under there
Disconnect one connector
13.Undo ten screws to remove the Bluetooth antenna (long one) and Wi-Fi antenna (short one)
Remove the Bluetooth antenna and Wi-Fi antenna
14.Unscrew the three screws to remove the metal shield
Remove the metal shield
15.Disconnect the front camera flex cable ribbon next to the battery
Disconnect the front camera flex cable ribbon
16.Remove the gasket covering the front camera
Remove the gasket
17.Undo one screw to release the earphone jack
Release the earphone jack
18.Disconnect the rear camera connector on the motherboard
Disconnect the rear camera connector
19.Take out the front camera with the earphone jack
Take out the front camera
20.Disconnect the connector to remove the microphone with the pry tool
Remove the microphone
21.Uses the tweezers to take out the side keys flex cable
Take out the side keys flex cable
22.Disconnect the connectors and undo the screws of lightning port
Disconnect the connectors
Undo the screws of lightning port
23.Gently pull up the motherboard
Lift up the motherboard
24.Remove the two loud speakers with the tweezers
1.Remove the two loud speakers
2.Remove the two loud speakers
24.3Remove the two loud speakers
25.Take out the rear camera
Take out the rear camera
26.Undo screws to remove the side keys with flex cable
26.1Remove the side keys with flex cable
26.2Remove the side keys with flex cable
26.3Remove the side keys with flex cable
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Last week, ETrade Supply took apart an iPad Air and made the how-to article on “

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