Anti-Static Wrist Strap
BY alina | 八月 27th, 2013 | 1 | 1
This item is used to prevent the buildup of static electricity on a person who works on very sensitive electronic equipment causing electrostatic discharge (ESD). Because movements as simple as lifting one foot off the floor or raising one arm from a conductive table mat may change body capacitance by as much as 10% to 30%, and the capacitively created voltage may reach several hundred volts or more, using an anti-static wrist strap while you are holding sensitive electronics can protect it from being damaged by static electric.
An anti-static wrist strap is a made of a stretchy band of fabric with fine conductive fibers woven into it, attached to a wire with a clip on the end to connect it to a ground conductor. Usually, the fibers of an anti-static wrist strap are usually made of carbon or carbon-filled rubber, and the strap is bound with a stainless steel clasp or plate.