Android Accounted for 79% of All Mobile Malware Last Year

What is the real reason that Google’s mobile juggernaut Android continues to be the world’s biggest magnet for mobile malware? As the Android becomes the world’s most popular smartphone platform now? Or as it’s just fundamentally easier to attack? According to the latest information from security specialists F-Secure that Android accounted for 79% of all malware in 2012, up from 66.7% in 2011 and just 11.25% in 2010. However, the world’s second-most popular platform, Apple’s iOS for smartphones in terms of new purchases, keeps one of the least compromised, with 0.7% of malware on its platform. Compared to 62.5% two years ago, the Symbian of Nokia market share is in rapid decline and is being left, F-Secure speculates that Symbian will become extinct in 2013, because many users change their phones with the Android devices. At the same time, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry and J2ME each accounted for less than 1% of threat families in circulation in the year. News from BGR